Rings are fun! And the boy was very easy. Here's the back story on the boy's ring.
Way back before we lived together when we were still in college, my lovely boyfriend gave me a promise ring. It was a very simple, delicate little swirly shiny with a small diamond in the middle. It was awesome. We agreed that what this was, was he was promising to one day ask me to marry him. I felt like I wanted to make a promise to him as well, a promise to say yes. So I bought him a promise ring with Viking Runes that said "My Promise to You."
He adored it. I did goooood.
He lost it two weeks later. He was devastated to say the least. A few weeks later, he bought himself a stainless steel replacement because his ring finger felt nekkid and he felt terrible about not wearing one. So, for the past year and a half or so, we have both been promised and ringed.
As you know, I have since gotten a new ring. And will eventually get yet another new ring. So will boyface. And he wanted something very similar to the forever lost Viking Rune promise ring.
Yes, you have to follow that link to see my VOILA moment because Blogger has gone crazy and won't let me upload the image... So this will be a pictureless and link-filled episode of smacking my computer.
So, with the boy's ring picked, I move on to my ring.
My first impulse is to get diamonds from my mother (my engagement ring is made up of diamonds from boy's mother, so it's very special) and make some sort of heirloom set. The wedding band would then look like this.
Unfortunately, mom doesn't have enough diamonds in the size that would work. She gave me four out of a necklace, but I will have to see if I can incorporate them. Regardless of diamonds, the ring will still have sentimental value. Mom gave me her wedding ring from her first marriage (with my dad) to sell for the gold. So, technically, it is still very much a gift from my mother.
I still really like the idea of the "wrap" style as displayed on my original ring. So, I could very well just get a very pretty simple gold band that wraps my engagement ring. This is still a very big option!
I am kind of... giving another idea a test drive. Since boyface got his very personalized, very different wedding band. I want to at least give some thought to one of my own.
So here goes, the links and the explanations:
I heart art nouveau (see: art history major). So this is kind of my inspiration.
The first ring: click me!
I love the way there is filigree on the top and bottom so the ring is kind of boxy (?). In fact, i really heart that. I don't heart the very kind of paisley looking design. Stick with the shape of the ring on this inspiration.
The second ring: click me!
I love the combo of wrap style and box style. I like the subtle etching, I'd like it a little more filigree-esque but we could work with this ring. It's delicate, and that looks good on Me - Captain Skinny Fingers. However... I'd kind of like a way to work my four diamonds into this... Hmm...
The third ring: click me!
This one is a little too "rosy" for me. But I like the way they worked the diamond into the design of the ring so it's not just chilling out there being a diamond. Can we work this into a sort of swirly filigree design?
The fourth ring: click me!
Oooh! What potential! Not to keen on the outside border part... but its got pretty swirlies... that look like they could somehow hold onto a diamond or two!
The fifth ring: click me!
Wow. Wow wow wow. You took my swirls and put my diamonds in them. Awe. some.
So... that was the progression of thought for the creation of this ring. I want to somehow combine number 1, number 2, and number 5. Boxy, delicate, filigree, diamonds.
Now, I need to continue test driving this theory. Bounce it off a few logical people. Mom. MoH. Maybe even FMIL because she worked in jewelry and can tell me if its possible. If I get a green light on my idea, I will go to our jeweler and lay it all out with my budget and see if we can mesh.
If this idea is retarded and I get a logical reason (this will probably come from mom... she's usually good at talking me out of my crazy ideas by grounding me with logic). Or if the budget/physical-possibility just isn't there, I'll go with a simple, delicate white gold band that follow the line of my engagement ring. I'm kind of okay with either, really.
Let's see where we go with this... Options options options...
-Bo. J.