I love music, I love to sing, and I. love. to. dance.
All the time. Drunk or sober. Music or no music. Slow dances, fast dances, line dances, ugly dances. The music moves me. And boy does it move me ugly. But I dance, unabashedly, I dance.
All the time. Drunk or sober. Music or no music. Slow dances, fast dances, line dances, ugly dances. The music moves me. And boy does it move me ugly. But I dance, unabashedly, I dance.
Both of those pictures are from weddings... and I may or may not have been inebriated both times... as for my face in the first one? No idea....
So, obviously, the music for my wedding is very important. I've started about three different lists of songs and they all start with Baby Got Back, not surprisingly. The other songs I definitely know:
First Dance Song: Wild Horses, the Rolling Stones
Love, love, love this song. The first time I heard it, I was at the BF's house and we were drinking and his dad was playing music. He turned this on and BF just had to slow dance with me and he whispered to me, "I can see us dancing like this on our wedding day." Yeah, super cheese, but it still makes me all fuzzy inside. I love the way Mick is singing like he his heart is about to explode. "Wild, wild horses couldn't drag me away..." Uh! I'm all a-flutter.
Groom & Mother Song: Simple Man, Lynyrd Skynyrd
OK, so this song about makes me cry. Again, with the way it is sung... The first lyric says it all "Mama told me when I was young, come sit beside me my only son." Now, BF isn't Mama's only son... but she used to sing it with him when he was very young and the song just goes on to be a Mom's advice to her son, especially: "You'll find a woman, You'll find love." OK, this song is getting me choked up... time to talk about a less emotional song.
Bride&Stepdad Song: Desperado, the Eagles
So, I love the Eagles. And my favorite song is Lyin Eyes... which isn't at all wedding appropriate seeing as it is about adultery and gold diggery... Aaanyways. Desperado is a nice little ditty, advice to quit being a big ol' party pooper and love somebody. I love the song, honestly, and there was a time that it would be put me in tears because I really couldn't let somebody love me (I'm obviously over this, because I'm getting married... duh) But most of the reason that we're using this song is for the Seinfeld reference. Honestly, when trying to pick a song to dance with my stepdad this was the best way to describe our relationship. We're close and we're family, but we're not... like... mushy. It'll be a nice little giggle for anybody who gets it, and everyone else will be none the wiser. I love subtle humor.
Bride&Dad Song: Just the Way You Are, Billy Joel
I am a total Joel fan. I listen to NY State of Mind everytime I go back home (to NY). When I was in high school, I would spend my summers at my dad's house upstate. After the other kids went to bed, my dad, mystepmom, and I would stay up and play cards/board games and listen to Billy Joel. These were some of the best times with my dad and to this day, whenever I hear Billy croon it's the first memory I have. And I think my dad should love me just the way I am, so hah! (Aside, Billy Joel actually doesn't like to play this song because it's about his 1st wife whom he divorced. I think there was also something about him not appreciating it being played at weddings. If Billy Joel wants to come tell me so, I will totally make him play the Stranger on any piano I can find)
These are still up in the air, but here's what I'm thinking for the events:
I was originally going to do Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen for the bouquet toss/garter toss. It's one of my favorite Queen songs and the one I also sing with my girls... however, BF pointed out that you can't really dance to it (to which I replied, "I have danced to it!" to which he replied, "You dance to everything!") But today, I heard It's Raining Men on the radio and it made me giggle to think of that for this event... Maybe we should do Fat Bottomed Girls for the bouquet toss... and then It's Raining Men for the garter toss... OH! I like this idea (scribbles in mental notebook).
We went to a wedding in April where they used Pour Some Sugar on Me for the cake cutting. I thought it was awesome. If I can't think of anything better, this will be it.
I was also thinking about using my 2nd favorite love son, I'll Be by Edwin McCain for a "Bridal Party Dance." Do they still do those? I don't know... I want to get to the real dancing part as soon as possible.... Will have to think on this and discuss. This song will be played especially for me regardless... I thought about dancing with my big brother to this song... might still do so... But no spotlight this time we've got enough of those damn things....
And last but not least, BF and I have a song that is very close to our hearts and we both decided it HAD to be played at our wedding. This will be our last song and it is one that we will be dancing to. Night Moves by Bob Seger. This song means a lot to us, and we have shared a lot of nights listening to this song and discussing how it makes us feel. I am very excited to us this as our last song and am so NOT letting anyone take the significance away from me by telling me how "Almost everyone will be gone blah blah blah" This last song is for us, to let us finish the night with something so important to us.
Well that was fun... and enlightening. I can't wait to tell BF about my It's Raining Men idea and see his face (and watch him shake his head and call me a dork. Trust me, that's exactly what he's going to do. Probably also because I'm going to do that evil cackle that I do when I get a really good idea that will possibly kill/hurt/maim/embarass someone else.)
Signing off and still dancing!
-Bo. J.
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