Friday, August 20, 2010

A different kind of post

So, I was going to write a very serious post tonight. I had something on my mind, but I will save it. Partially because my brain has apparently decided to take this Friday off and I couldn't think if I tried. But kind of mostly because... well, look:

Yes, that is our Jeep knee deep in a mud puddle. What you can't see if the PREHISTORIC MOSQUITOES that began to swarm the millisecond we stopped moving. Literally, it was JURASSIC PARK, they were tapping on the windows while we were inside the Jeep. And, yes, we did have to then get out of the Jeep...

Yup, she's stuck in there good. BF spun the tires for a long time, SHOWERING the jeep in muddy water before he finally broke down and called his dad.

We walked back to the road so his dad could find us, our new friends the swarm of mosquitoes following us... (I am no girly girl, but if you had SEEN the size of these things. I could walk in the mud all day long but these were FLESH-EATING MOSQUITOES)

Getting the chains ready.There still getting ready... Or something, I have no clue.FREEDOM!! It worked perfectly. And thank goodness! Me and FMIL had a family of mosquitoes dining on us. This may seem like I'm exaggerating but SERIOUSLY, swarms of HUGE bugs. When we got back into the Jeep, we stopped and a... something, that looked like it was a fly if it wasn't LITERALLY LONGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF A GOLF BALL sat on my window and stared at me! People, I live in Northern Virginia, nothing will ever surprise me again...

And this, is what happens when you're taking a picture at the same time as dancing. If I stopped moving the mosquitoes would get me... I don't think I need to tell you how big the bugs were.

I made a HUGE mistake during this trip. It's been so long since I didn't anything outdoorsy or whatever, I had not an inkling that our adventure would go anything like this. If I had, I would have worn pants and boots instead of flats and shorts. I really didn't mind tromping through the mud, my shoes will wash off, they were brown anyway. What I did mind was the bugs (did you gather that?) and now I'm afraid I might have touched poison ivy which I am EXTREMELY allergic to (and is actually the main reason I don't go into the woods anymore).

Welcome to the Misadventures of BoJ and BF. Here for your entertainment.

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