Monday, August 23, 2010

Gifting Our Gentlemen

BF has gone back and forth on his decision of what to give his groomsmen. There aren't really a lot of options out there, pretty much alcohol or smoking related gifts. Beer glass, shot glasses, smoking kits, cigar holders, lighters. Only so many of our man-boys are drinkers, and then only some of them drink beer/liquor. And although occasionally they may indulge in a cigar, I don't think any of them are frequenters. And don't even get me started on how BLEEPING expensive these things can get. We have six guys to buy for, sheesh!

And two ushers, neither of whom are of drinking or smoking age. I actually forgot we needed to get them gifts until a few moments ago, and I immediately found something very nice.
What can't a 15-17 year old boy do with a Swiss Army knife? I still want one and I'm a 25 year old girl. (I got a nice one for BF for Christmas and he promptly lost it. I should have just kept it for myself considering I asked for it all the time...) So I got it engrave and BAM, right off into the interwebs my order goes! I heart how easy this is sometimes.
What did you get for your not-yet-men gentlemen? And how much do you love shopping on the internet? Also, any ideas on what to get 6 other man-yet-still-boys gentlemen that they can hang on to instead of drink/smoke out of?

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