Monday, August 16, 2010

Man Band

That title makes me think of a band of men... And then gets me singing 'It's Raining Men!' I do love that song... I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna let myself get absolutely soaking weeeet!
Aaaanyway... Since we got our ring measurements and I got the boy's ring ordered, I thought I'd share the story that is my man's man band.
A year or so after we started dating, BF got me a promise ring. It was a really sweet gesture, him telling me that he wanted to propose to me some day. And I wanted to get him something to prove that I wanted to say yes some day. It's kind of corny and maybe a little weird considering we hadn't been dating that long at the time... But we had already gone through denial, hesitance, fear, and finally had come full circle to settling down and getting ready for -or at least considering - the long haul.
We share a common interest in Viking history, mythology, and runes, so I got him something that looks like this:

From a very nice seller on ebay.

The ebay seller translated My Promise to You and sent the ring to me. It was awesome, I was so excited and so was BF. It was so refreshing to have a guy want to wear a ring prematurely. That showed quite a bit of dedication in my book.

Then came the biggest lesson ever. BF had me order the ring in a size so that he could easily take it off to wash his hands. He promptly lost the ring, we assume, by taking it off to wash his hands in a public restroom.

Boyface was devastated, really. He felt terrible and he actually borrowed a ring that I had sitting in my jewelry box that was big enough for his finger to fill the gap. A few weeks later, we went to a spring festival in our local old town area. He found a plain stainless steel band on the cheap and bought it so that it fit snugly enough that it didn't slip around when he washed his hands. And he has worn it ever since. In fact, the first time I've ever seen if off his finger is when he handed it to the jewelry lady this past weekend to get it measured.

I think it was a good learning experience for him. When the ring matters, you don't want to take it off. Ever. I would rather he lose that not-so-expensive-albeit-very-personalized promise ring than the wedding that I thee wed him with.

So when it came time to get him a wedding ring, we both knew what we wanted to do. And it didn't take me long to find a good replacement.
I still even had the translated words so I ordered it with those runes again. I think it's nice that I was able to 'recreate' the original ring because it meant so much to use at the beginning of our relationship and something that will be a reminder of what a marriage really boils down to, our promise.

Anyone else have a story behind their man's band? Past, present, or future?

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