Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Etsy seller, psychic abilites, and Bayside

I have only bought a few things off of Etsy, nothing custom, but I check it every day and search it CONSTANTLY for anything and everything. The diversity of stuff is just mind-blowing.

So when I got a fantastic idea for a cake table sign, Etsy was the first place I went. Here was my idea. (Warning, long explanation is heading your way)

There is a song by a band that BF and I worship, Bayside. The song is called Montauk and you can listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLHteGVUerk.

The lyrics to this little ditty are pretty close to our hearts. I'll give you the most important parts. The 2nd verse goes a little something like this:

(A-one, a-two, a-three...)

If you hear this and you think you're ready
Meet me in Montauk where we'll write out in the sand
'Here lies the destiny of two hurt souls afraid to be

Cured again'

That'll be our epitaph

I thought I'd known the consequence
Sweetness, can you believe this?

Mess we made
of it
This mess we've made of it

In years to come, it might make sense

Sweetness, can you believe this?

What's become of it

What's become of it.

I know that the lyrics are about more about trouble relationships than good ones. However, this song has resonated with us through out are own relationship. It makes me think of something very beautiful that has gotten off track, even though there are still two people in love. Getting off track is something that happens to every relationship, BF and I included, and there is something very optimistic to me about looking at it from the outside and saying, "No matter what goes wrong, this is beautiful and we can fix it" (By the way, I may be the only one who feels this way about this song... even Boyface may not phrase the explanation quite like that... but who needs his opinion?*)

When we saw Bayside live a year or so ago, they played this song and BF turned to give me a huge kiss. I guess this song is kind of an admission that you can make a mess... but "in years to come it might make sense" and to stick to it. I am glad that we both hold the song so dear and it's not my sentimental girly brain at work.

Nowadays, the lyrics to this song strike another chord with me. There is a sense of awe I feel about my relationship with BF. I still look around at BF, at our four legged son, at our tiny, messy apartment, and I think "HOLY CRAPOLA, this is my life! These are MY things, and MY dog, and MY boyfriend and this is going to be MY wedding!" I never thought I'd find him and, from what he tells me, he was pretty certain he was heading the same way. So, I guess all I want to ask him is, "Sweetness, can you believe this?"

When this idea struck me, I about peed myself to tell BF. I was SO excited and I felt so creative and special and...

And, he called me retarded.* He didn't think anyone would get it because they don't know the song. I told him to shut it.

*Seriously, who asked you anyways?

I loved it so much I stuck with it.

I wanted to get a sign for our cake table that says "Sweetness, Can you believe this?"

See, means something to us! And it says "sweet" like cakes are sweet...

Tell me I'm clever and I'll go on with the post. Thanks.

It honestly didn't take me long to find Shauna with Simple Block Sayings. I told her the short version of my long(winded) story and she sent me a mockup right away. They have psychic powers over there because it could not have been more perfect. I ordered last week and it got here this morning.
Umm... guys! I couldn't have imagined this looking better than it does! How in tarnation did she know my exact preference for fonts?! Will you check out that question mark? It's GLORIOUS!
I think I'm just gonna sit around and stare at these for the rest of the evening instead of working on crafts. I'm not surprised that it's so perfect, those Etsy sellers know what they're doing. I think it's more like... one of my 'retarded' ideas come to fruition in such an overwhelming clear and wonderful way. I really, really can't wait to get the cake table together. (And eat the cake...)

**These are both personal photos. Please check out Simple Block Sayings!

Did you surprise yourself with a great idea that turned out great? And how freakin awesome is Etsy?

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